Organogenesis CRM Integration and PaaS

Vendor Selection for Salesforce CRM Data Integration and Platform-As-A-Service (PaaS)


Organogenesis had selected Salesforce for its CRM solution and planned to scale that solution enterprise-wide, including the replacement of multiple existing CRM integrations.

They needed Project Management oversight to select a vendor for the data integration effort as well as a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) vendor.

“It would be necessary to establish measurable engagement objectives to ensure the eventual winning bid was held accountable.”


Comparative Review Process

Vendors were compared based on the same criteria for approach, format, and timeline allowing the client to choose the best candidate to meet their needs and budget.

Stakeholder Agreement

Key stakeholders agreed to a pre-determined set of goals and clear objectives to select the appropriate vendor.

Vendor Accountability

Initial, measurable engagement objectives were set in place at the start of the engagement to hold the eventual winning bid more accountable.​

The project scope involved scheduling vendor demos and RFPs (Request for Proposal) of six external data integration and platform as a service (PaaS) vendors to provide an all-encompassing Salesforce Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategic workflow solution to support the departments of Customer Service, Sales, and Benefit Verification.